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My Story


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My name’s Drew and I’m a man. After spending the vast majority of my life scrutinising my masculinity I decided it was time to scrutinise society. My hang ups and insecurities about not being ‘manly’ enough, did for a long time effect my friendships, romantic relationships and also my mental health. Society forces down young boy’s throats how they should feel and act in order fit in and be an ‘alpha' - with aggression being the only emotion on the spectrum deemed acceptable to express. Through making ALPHA. I want to change this - and challenge the definition of what it means to be a man. Men are just as complex and emotionally diverse as women and no-one should feel they have to change who they are and hide how they feel to fit some archaic and outdated stereotype of masculinity. I tried so hard to look for acceptance for who I was and am from other people, but one day I realised the only acceptance I needed was from myself. With this attitude and knowledge I hope to inspire and encourage other young men to think and feel the same way in order to grow. Talk about how you feel and stop comparing yourself to others. Your masculinity doesn’t need to be dissected and put under a microscope - be confident in who you are. Once you accept the qualities of your character internally everything will make peace with itself.
ALPHA. is a documentary which uncovers how different men view and express their masculinity in the 21st century, whilst highlighting that no matter your expression as a man - speaking about your emotions and how you feel doesn’t make you any less masculine. 

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